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Certikin Elecro G2 Heat Exchangers

Regular price £350.00

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Elecro Multi-Tubular heat exchangers are comprised of a 38-piece Titanium tube bundle, giving a vast surface contact area for the two water circuits.

The primary circuit chamber – through which water from the heating source travels – is very narrow ensuring heat is absorbed and replaced with hot water quickly.

These strategic design features enable the Elecro heat exchangers to perform very efficiently even when working with low value primary temperatures, such as solar 2heating systems.

The rigid aluminium jacket encapsulating a pocket of air thermally insulates the entire unit, ensuring that heat is transferred within the desired chamber and absorbed by the swimming pool water, rather than lost to the atmosphere.

Titanium tube bundles make the Elecro Heat Exchangers ideal for use on salt chlorinated pools.


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