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Winter Covers

Winter Debris Covers

Designed to keep debris out, but let rain water through, Certikin’s high quality winter debris covers are used on thousands of pools worldwide. Manufactured by Certikin in the UK from the highest quality woven polyethylene fabrics, covers can be made to suit almost any size, shape and location of pool, from above ground timber pools to free-form shapes. By using the latest options in CAD and automated fabric cutting and marking to provide accuracy and speed, combined with decades of experience in manufacturing such covers, we firmly believe we offer the best winter debris covers on the market

  • Available in an attractive forest green, blue, tan or grey
  • Covers should be ordered to allow for a 300mm (1’) overlap around the full perimeter. When ordering please add 600mm (2’) to each dimension
  • Free-form covers are made to the dimensions and drawings supplied at the time of order and will be charged using the largest measurements of the pool
  • Strap spacing is approximately 1.2-1.6m apart, and straps are 1m long as standard. Closer spacing and longer straps are available.
  • For extra protection against wear, a tough PVC skirt can be added to any cover
  • The Maple range are made with regular perimeter straps, which are secured to the pool surround by polished stainless steel springs and pins. Alternatively our Criss-Cross range offers straps which run the full length and width of the cover for extra strength – which are secured in the same way


  Maple Cover Rectangular Maple Cover Shaped  Criss Cross Cover rectangular Criss Cross Cover Shaped
Price per m2 £45* £49* £52* £56*


*All cover prices are excluding delivery. Please contact 01536646007 for delivery costs as well as colour options.